52 Weeks of Cooking: Week Two - Sous Vide
Sous vide was the theme for week two of the 52 Weeks of Cooking Challenge, and I was pretty psyched. I've been messing around with sous vide for a few years. I started off with the cooler method, which made me obsessed, and then I bought an Anova Immersion Circulator. At first, everything was cooked sous vide at my house (à la the obsession), but it tapered off into a hardly ever used device. It was nice to bring it out again.
I decided to cook an old standby: eggs and asparagus with toasted almonds. This is something I've been making sous vide since I first started. It is super simple, delicious, and works equally well for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. All you have to do is vacuum seal and cook the asparagus for 10 mins at 190° F (add some butter to the bag), and cook the eggs for 13 mins at 167° F. Toast the almonds on a skillet. Add a crack of black pepper and some smoked sea salt to finish it off. Super simple and super delicious.